Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Little sweetheart, it's Holy Week and I'm going to services each day this week, tonight, tomorrow night and Friday morning. On Friday I'm speaking. I've written something for you. So, more about that in a bit.

Tonight, tho', they posted the hymns we're singing - all of them quite solemn - this week. I opened the hymnal in front of me to mark the pages and the first one I turned to, an dark ballad called "Go To Dark Gethsemane", bore the most extraordinary legend. Usually as one turns the pages of a hymnal, the songs are found there with the lyrics and music, the title centered and above in bold print, to one side the composer and year it was written and occasionally directly under the title will be some small direction as to its character or mood - a suggestion of how it should be approached musically. Most often it's just a word or two. "Lively" or "Slow and measured" or something along those lines.

So, imagine my surprise when I turned to this page and saw in big capital letters the word REDHEAD. I took a picture.

Thank you for finding me, little sweetheart. It's moments like this when you surprise and comfort me so with your presence that I find my faith strengthened. I know you are there and I know I will be with you again, soon and forever. Will all my love...

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