My mom, I remember, really loved the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane". The Peter, Paul and Mary version. She had the 45. For the last several hours, I've had the lines-
"Every place I go, I'll think of you
Every song I sing, I'll sing for you"
(to say nothing of the next...
"When I come back, I'll wear your wedding ring")
-in my head. And even just writing those words now, I'm weeping. And I think that is kind of what my life is - two years constantly on the verge of tears- and that is entirely as it should be. Because- stay with me here- that makes me think of a wonderful line from Karen Trott's great monologue, "The Spring Hill Mine Singing Disaster" where she's talking about riding in the backseat of the family station wagon and hearing something on the radio about President Kennedy shortly after the assassination and starting to sob and her dad turns around to see if she's okay and she says "I'm sorry" and he replies "Don't you ever be ashamed to cry for that man". And that is exactly how I feel. All for you little sweetheart. All for you and always will be...
My sweetheart, partner & soulmate, Summer Lindsay Serafin, passed away on 3/18/11 after a tragic accident. She was just 31. I remember her always and everywhere. And here.