Saturday, August 30, 2014

Just to hold on

Wherever we were, my sweetheart - at home or visiting somewhere or in a hotel together -you always seemed to make your side of the bed nearest to a clear path in case you needed to get up in the night. Except at our apartment in NYC, where you slept closest to the wall. And I liked that because it meant you had to try to quietly crawl over me on your way out and then I could catch you up in a full body embrace, my arms and legs entangling you and holding you close and tight. And never letting go. Never ever letting you go...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

For Summer

Collected Plays comes out in print today, my little sweetheart. And it is, like every breath and moment and act of my life, for you. For you, my darling. For you, my love. For you, Summer. For you.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Story with My Partner

Some of the best moments of my life were with Summer in my arms, her sweet head on my shoulder as we sat on the plaid couch here at my hovel or the big plush sofa in Davis or on her crimson colored bed in The Sunset, watching a movie. My sweetheart told me that it was important. That she liked to end the day watching a story with her partner. It filled me with such joy and pride when she told me that. Few things ever made me that happy. Sitting together, giving her a foot massage. Wrapping her in a blanket. How she would look at me, those eyes of love -oh, my heart. Holding her sweet little hand. In Davis, we’d hit the Blockbuster on the way back from The Nugget Market, picking up a selection or two. In The Sunset there was a great place called Le Video. I still have my membership card. At Christmas, Summer’s mom had one gift specially marked for Summer & I to share. It was a box set of the first two seasons of a show we’d been looking forward to. The gift came with explicit instructions that Summer & I were to watch it together. That made me very happy. Here in New York, Summer & I frequented the wonderful, iconic Alan’s Alley at W.22nd and 9th Ave. We checked out the whole of Brideshead Revisited. And Jewel in the Crown. And many many more. It was our go-to, that lovely little place with thousands of titles. On a long walk today back up from way downtown, I happened past and it was gone. A “For Lease” sign from some fucking developer in its papered-over windows. I was heartbroken. But I just looked them up online. Yeah, some thoughtless money-grubbing landlords ousted them – perhaps the last video store in the city. But they’ve found a new smaller space, still in Chelsea, on 25th St. From the pictures it almost seems like they’re working out of an apartment. Cool. Punkrock. Returns, a notice on the website says, can be left afterhours at the Rail Line (formerly Moonstruck) diner, across the street from the old location. They gather them in a bag and Alan picks them up in the morning. They’re back. I haven’t been yet, but I’m going. I can feel my Summer smiling. God bless. God bless…

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My darling girl...

Love you with all my heart and soul, my little sweetheart. Going to bed now to dream of the day you take my hand and lead me to The Beautiful New Place to be with you forever. I love you, Summer. I love you, my darling girl.