Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I get so very sad, my sweetheart, so very sad and miss you with all my heart and soul. I'm going out tonight with Jason & Renee to see Low play in Brooklyn and I remember how you and I had tickets to see them on my birthday that year but instead I found myself speaking at your memorial. I get so sad, my little sweetheart, and I miss you with all my heart and soul. I pray for us every day - that you are safe in The Beautiful New Place and that my time will come soon and I can be with you again and forever. I get so sad, sweetheart, and miss you with all my heart and soul. Please guide me and speak to me and come to me in dreams. Help me do the right thing. And please come and take me home to you soon. I get so sad, my little sweetheart, and I miss you with all my heart and soul...

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