Thursday, June 12, 2014

At the Edge of the Other World...

It’s meant to get sweltery and into the 80’s this weekend but the last few days have been terrifically mild. Cloud cover and temps in the 60’s to low-70’s. Some might call it grey, overcast. But I love it. It’s gentle. “Soft weather” as they say in Ireland. Perfect for running. Occasional light rain. Even a touch of fog as I pad along the paths near The Hudson. And it’s put me in mind of a film I saw some time ago.

Tree of Life is a difficult watch for a number of reasons. My primary one is the relentless brutality of Brad Pitt’s character. Others might howl with boredom and impatience at the film’s 20 minute opening sequence (not unlike Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey) as the beginnings of life on Earth are chronicled at the most leisurely of paces. But despite all that, its ending is among the most haunting and beautiful ever committed to celluloid – a fog-drenched beach where we walk along water’s edge joining every one of our lost dear ones in youthful, harmonious, joyful eternity. I have not been able to get this image out of my head for the last several days and have begun day dreaming of somehow vanishing into one of those clouds of fog I routinely spot in the middle distance as I run north toward the bridge hoping it will envelope and deliver me to that other world, that Beautiful New Place I yearn for, and find you, Little Sweetheart, find you, my love...

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