Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"It's Christmas, Sweetheart"...

Yesterday, sweetheart, we released the holiday EP, BPXmas. You're on it, of course, and the first song is one I wrote for and about you, my love. It's also on SoundCloud (below). Ground Control Magazine's Daryl Darko Barnett interviewed me for his review of it and here's what I said. 

"...I had the little riff and the jangly kinda chorus playing my Tele through a short delay and I was trying to find the words. I kept singing “It’s Christmas” and then the next line sorta wordlessly, just looking for the sound of it, over and over, until it just came out: “sweetheart”. I really feel that Summer gave that to me. Like she was sitting here looking over my shoulder while I played and just whispered the word into my ear because I could barely sing it for crying the first several times it came out of my mouth... 

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