Wednesday, February 22, 2017

My Guiding Star

Little sweetheart, there's birdsong outside my window this morning. It's too hot in here but too cold outside to turn the heat off, so I opened the windows in front and back and put in the screens. Little birds are singing sweetly outside.

Last night, I remembered a text you sent me once just before I was about to fly to California and be with you (I'd hoped, forever). I found it on my phone and wrote it down. You guide me still, don't you, my angel, even now, when I most need it. Of course, of course.

Here it is:

Don't feel lonely.
I'm right here.
Don't cry.
Nothing is wasted.
Pack the good memories
And leave the rest.
Travel light.
It suits you.
You are not damaged.
I can tell 
by the way you love me.
We're all of us 
covered in scars and it doesn't stop us from living.
There's nothing wrong with you.
Like everyone, 
You need to be loved.
And you are. 
Thank you, my darling sweetheart. As ever, let me do just as you say. Little sweetheart knows best. Little sweetheart knows best...

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