Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Home and How It Comforts

Little sweetheart, after a delay and a long flight and a crowded subway ride, I’m finally back in our apartment in NYC. I gathered up all the held mail and returned the plants from the sink where our neighbor was periodically attending them to their place near the front windows. I pulled my laptop out of its traveling case and plugged it back in to all peripherals here at my desk. I brought the rest of my luggage into the front room, leaving a few things in the kitchen. I didn’t even unpack. I just undressed and changed into my pj’s, just like you taught me (you’d be in pj’s, hair up, the moment you got home, even if just for an hour) and I lay down exhausted after the overnight flight and fell fast asleep for much of the day here in our bed, your things and pictures around me.

It’s hard to explain or even remember sometimes after being away how enormously comforting it is to be here. Not because it’s home so much as it is OUR home. With you around me. Everywhere my eye falls I see you. Your things are here. You surround and protect me. And I feel your guiding, loving presence.

I need you always, my gorgeous girl. My angel. My soulmate. My True Love. It’s you I was born for. Through oceans and ages of time, I feel, I know, we have always been together. I know you are far nearer than I can imagine. And home, here, at last, I feel you even stronger than I did in your room in California.

Please always be with me. I need you more than ever. With all my love. xM

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