Saturday, September 28, 2019

Thoughts of Boston With You

Working on the book just now, little sweetheart, and I’m thinking of our time together in Boston as I write about it. The season has something to do with it too because it’s nearly autumn here now and it was late autumn then.

I’ve so many memories of being there with you in the little apartment you had on Bay Street Road while you were working at The Huntington. Even though I’d been to Boston several times before and many times since, any time I’m there or even think of the city, my thoughts are of you. It seemed, like indeed every moment that I spent with you does, to be bathed in a golden kind of light, glowing and brilliant and perfect.

When I think of heaven, I pray that these times are for all times. That we can remain in each moment as long as we want to and fly to another as the whim takes us. As long as I am at your side my heart is full.

How very much I love you, my little sweetheart. Please draw near me today and take me to you the moment heaven will allow. With all my love forever.

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