Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Snug

Little sweetheart, at the end of this long day we'd saved up a nice treat - we drove over to the largest village over on the Bay - Bantry, historic from the uprising, and a charming little hamlet now near the water. 

Kris and I always like to go here once or twice if we were staying long in Kilcrohane to eat at a little pub called The Snug. It was a just a little place but it was absolutely lovely - a long beautiful bar and half a dozen or so little tables all looking like great polished trees stumps and cozy plush cushioned banquettes. 

Neither of us had steak often but this was cattle country and it was frankly amazing. Kris and I each had steak and you two burgers - they just came that way on the menu, two not one! You saved one for later. 

Usually, like in high season, you couldn't even get into The Snug. It was always packed out the door. Kris and I had only ever eaten at the bar - which was nice, too - but we had the entire place to ourselves that night. 

We had a long leisurely dinner with drinks and dessert and the staff was really nice. You said it was the best dinner ever! And I have this picture to attest. 

When we finally ventured back out into the night two dozen swans had settled into the bay, just outside of The Snug, under the footbridge. We stood there and marveled at them. And I held you in my arms on this magic, magic night. 

With all my love forever.



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