Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Dinner in Bantry

The largest town around in this very rural area, little sweetheart, was Bantry, on the other side of the Sheep's Head. It was a beautiful port. A bunch of swans were swimming when we came out of The Snug after dinner. I'll find that picture, too, and post it here for you. 

That was at the end of the day, as night had fallen but before that, we'd walked all around Bantry, ducking into little shops and pubs and ended at our favorite place there - the aforementioned Snug. It was Kris, you and I and incredibly we had the place to ourselves. Often when I'd been there, we'd sit at the bar because every table was taken. 

Tonight was a special night, it just glowed, and we were together. You loved The Snug and, as one can see here, the food! "Best Meal Ever!" you told me later... 

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