Friday, December 17, 2021

Still There! Always...

Little sweetheart, we were delightfully surprised this morning! 

On Fridays even before I get up, I try to tune in to London’s Soho Radio to hear the great Max Reinhardt’s show. It's on in the early afternoon in the UK but because of the time difference, starts here at 8AM. He usually plays a set of music during the first hour and then has a guest or two for the second and third hours of the show. 

He was doing his back announce before cueing up the last song prior to his first guest and he started talking about us! He wound up saying the most wonderful things about the new album - Forests, Voices, Coastlines, Dreams - and about our work, little sweetheart. Then, he played the last track - quite a long track - from the album, “Prayers Within A Cathedral of Trees”, before coming back to say a bit more. 

It was all incredibly nice and we’re exceedingly grateful but I think the thing that struck me the most was how well he understood how very much this is, as I often say, of, for and about you. Max has said before of us that we are “liminal” - sort of meaning that the music inhabits this place between worlds, and when he named each of us - you, Sylvia and I - he began, as we always do, with you. 

He said your name and then before he continued he paused and said with some emphasis - “who’s still there

It struck me so, little sweetheart. Because you are. I know it. I felt. I believe it. It really is all for you. With all my love…

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