Monday, June 12, 2017

This Is Our Music

Little sweetheart, I was thinking today that over the years and these six albums, nine different musicians have passed through the ranks of our little band in collaboration with you and I.

You've taught me so much, my darling, about being a better person, having a bigger, more generous heart, so I know the thing to do is to say those who've come and gone, even if their departure was baffling or mean-spirited or completely flaky and evaporative, is simply to wish them well and move on.

This band that you and I founded (as you famously found me), will go on with faith and conviction and every note and lyric will be grounded in the truth and power and overwhelming grace of your love, your amazing, brilliantine love, that saved and shaped and shapes me still. Every note and lyric will remain of, for and about you - your great leonine heart, your pure angelic soul. May another nine, we've yet to meet but may be destined to, pass through our ranks as well on this journey.

Even as I type this, little sweetheart, I've come from visiting a couple of our old compadres, there at this group's inception, who may imminently return. But no matter who may join us - you are at its core.

This is my life's work, to summon and honor you. Nothing can ever change that or deter me, my little sweetheart. Not until the glorious moment when you finally call me to you and I may join you again and forever in The Forever. With all my love, always. Always.

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