Monday, February 8, 2016

Kind Words

My little sweetheart, there's a very nice lady - I don't know if I ever told you this - at the Credit Union, where I do my banking. She always asks very kindly and intently how I'm doing. I'll tell you why. After my mom died, I changed over my official papers there to make you my sole beneficiary. This lady was the one who was there the day I did it. Then, of course, tragically came the events of March 2011, just months after. I went back to change them again, this time designating the Memorial Transplant fund your parents started in your name at the University of Minnesota as such. This nice lady wondered if I was okay. Why was I changing things again so soon. And I told her the sad story. I'm sure I probably wept just standing there talking through the glass. She helped me that day and she never forgets to ask how I'm doing. How your parents are doing. She's very kind, my sweetheart. And I love talking about you! I'm so proud of you. So proud to have loved you - I always will! So proud to hear you call me your partner. And I remember the great kindnesses you routinely showed people. You did so much to help my heart, my darling. Little kind encounters like this remind me. And I feel so very close to you. Know you're near. Far nearer than I can imagine.

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